Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Looks like no porn for us. Victorian UK awaits. But, without the good bits.

Ban on violent Net Porn planned. Read more here. Mmmm... Now possessing a bit of porn on your system for your own personal viewing can make you a criminal. Must be thousands of people who will turn criminal overnight when that becomes law. It does say violent porn but I've heard comments from the moral right that say all porn is violent. Plus, I've visited a few violent porn sites on my travels myself but I don't remember killing anyone and I also make a point of not going back to them. It's really easy.

For anyone interested I suggest you get an encryption program like PGP and steganography programs and hide everything you can. Of course, it is illegal to not give the Government the keys if they want them. Such is the land of the free.

If you need any advice then there is information on the web here or search at Ask Jeeves, Google or the security site

One other thing all this is because one person died and it is not attributed to the killer being, well, just mad, it has to have a reason. So Liz Longhurst, the victims mum, has her crusade to fill her empty life. What will be next? swimsuits? Well, they get guys horny and then none of them can control themselves. Not one. We need to ban anything that does that. Can't we ban cops with guns. They kill innocent people as well. But No! It is the moral minority with the big mouths and the richeous indignation. Can't argue with them or you are immoral and are worse than a criminal. So we shut up and our pleasures go one by one to lead to Bliars Utopian Society.

If they ban swimsuits, page 3, FHM etc. I think I'll top myself. But, I'll do it by cop. After taking some of these crusaders with me. Hey! Imagine if this happened. What a dilemma. Jane Longhurst killed by a guy that viewed porn and was loopy. Liz Longhurst killed by a guy that couldn't view porn when he wanted to and went loopy because of that.


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