Friday, August 01, 2008

You can't trust anybody these days.

I was reading this article about converted guns used for murders. Oh dear. It seems that criminals can still get hold of their guns when they need them. Read here.

The bit I found funny though was the statement 'A bunch of criminals were caught out when Polish tenants of The Briars, along with a neighbour, found the gun factory when their curiosity led them to look inside two outbuildings at the rear of the semi-detached property'

Is it me or did I translate 'curiosity' to 'search for something to steal' because that's the way my mind works? I suspect that's one bunch of Poles heading home soon.


At 11:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Is it me or did I translate 'curiosity' to 'search for something to steal' because that's the way my mind works? I suspect that's one bunch of Poles heading home soon.'

My, my that's racist AND ungrateful given they saved how many lives?


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