Saturday, August 05, 2006

What the threat levels actually mean.

It seems that the UK is now publishing it's own threat levels like the US. See them here. We surely needed our own as the great unwashed have no idea what is going on.

Unfortunately, they don't actually explain in real detail what it means to you personally. As the level changes do you do anything differently? So I thought I would put down my understanding from my, albeit limited, experiences to help you with this.

The levels are;
Critical - an attack is expected imminently
Severe - an attack is likely
Substantial - an attack is a strong possibility
Moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
Low - an attack is unlikely

What they mean to you, in escalating order;

Low - an attack is unlikely
Personally: You have less than 0.001% chance in the worst case of being involved or knowing someone who is involved in a terrorist attack outside newspaper and web articles.
Country wide: More people will be killed during kinky masturbation than by a terrorist attack.1
Politically: No additional money will be available for you to spend. You have no chance of pushing through laws to reduce our freedoms. You will be asked to cut back spending.
Police: Your accidental executions will require considerably PR work and will result in complaints. You may even be given a reprimand. Don't do it.

What the public needs to do: Carry on as usual.

Moderate - an attack is possible but not likely
Personally: You have less than 0.001% chance in the worst case of being involved or knowing someone who is involved in a terrorist attack outside newspaper and web articles.
Country wide: More people will be killed by DIY than by a terrorist attack.1
Politically: No more money will be available for you to spend. You have little chance of pushing through laws to reduce our freedoms.
Police: Your accidental executions will require a little PR work. There will be a few complaints. You may even be given a stiff talking to. Try not to do it.

What the public needs to do: Carry on as usual.

Substantial - an attack is a strong possibility
Personally: You have less than 0.001% chance in the worst case of being involved or knowing someone who is involved in a terrorist attack outside newspaper and web articles.
Country wide: More people will be killed traveling than by a terrorist attack.1
Politically: No more money will be available for you to spend. You have a good chance of pushing through laws to reduce our freedoms.
Police: Your accidental executions will be accepted by the public as collateral damage with little PR.

What the public needs to do: Carry on as usual.

Severe - an attack is likely
Personally: You have less than 0.001% chance in the worst case of being involved or knowing someone who is involved in a terrorist attack outside newspaper and web articles.
Country wide: More people will be killed by the NHS than by a terrorist attack.1
Politically: Slightly more money will be available for you to spend. You have a good chance of pushing through laws to reduce our freedoms.
Police: Your accidental executions will be accepted by the public as collateral damage and the press with supply the supporting PR. You are likely to get a commendation.

What the public needs to do: White people - Carry on as usual. Everyone else - Take a little care out there. Keep clear of the police. If you see the police smile

Critical - an attack is expected imminently
Personally: You have less than 0.001% chance in the worst case of being involved or knowing someone who is involved in a terrorist attack outside newspaper and web articles.
Country wide: More people will be killed by the police than by a terrorist attack.
Politically: Significantly more money will be available for you to spend. You have a excellent chance of pushing through laws to reduce our freedoms.
Police: Your accidental executions will be accepted by the public as collateral damage. You will even get a holiday out of it and a commendation.

What the public needs to do: White people - Carry on as usual. Keep clear of the police. If you see the police smile. Everyone else - Keep clear of the police. If you see the police try to look non threatening. Don't make any sudden moves in or out of your homes. Don't speak to anyone.

Hope that is helpful.

Note that the threat level will normally fluctuate between moderate and substantial as this will maximise politically power and provide maximum bum covering. When nothing is happening but could be. There is the possibility of threat level changes due to current government ineptitude on any front as a last minute smokescreen.

1) Excluding Police and Government forces actions of course.


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