Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Terror, Death and Destruction have always been cheap.

I was reading this article about the actual cost of the terror attacks on the 7th July. In a way it is not too surprising. Acts of terror, death and destruction have been performed for centuries by the poor and oppressed against oppressive Governments. It is interesting primarily as it shows that all our work to combat it has mainly impacted us, the law abiding.

We seem to think that everything needs funding like drugs and so we monitor bank accounts and the positions of all our citizens in expensive job creating databases. But, does that stop our suicide bombers who only need a couple of hundred pounds and doesn't really care who knows where he was for the preceding five years? Of course not. He can get weapons easier than you or I can get access to drugs, copied DVDs or cheap fags, depending on your preferences, and like our precious leaders they also believe they are doing it for our own good. And, as our politicians prove, nothing can stop changes for our own good.

Our liberties are going down the pan as fast as our leaders can pull the handle and boy, are they experts are sewage extraction. Yet when it comes down to it you can clearly see that none of the processes or procedures put in place will stop those determined to do their evil deeds. They barely even slow them down. Again, a bit like politicians except these guys are willing to die for their convictions. Our politicians, on the other hand, are willing for as many as us to die for their convictions as it takes.

Note to Politicians : Stop interfering in people lives, here and abroad, and do what you are supposed to be doing. Making our society better, stronger and safer by leaving people alone if they are not doing anything to anyone else, looking after the weak at home before we go getting PR abroad and getting rid of petty bureaucracy for starters.

Note to Terrorists : We don't like this any more than you. Protests need to be heard at Downing Street, The Commons or selected Politician's houses, you know who they are, as anywhere else they will be ignored.


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