Monday, May 12, 2008

I wonder what plan Boris has for this?

It seems that yet another person has been murdered in London. Bearing in mind that the first thing Boris did was ban booze on public transport I would envisage that he will probably continue on the tried, and failed, banning things path. It just seems to be the fate of the UK to be managed by people who make great PR but crap policies.

Obviously this is a foretaste of what will happen if Cameron comes to power. Hopefully Gordo will hold out long enough for the Libertarian Party to build up enough support that they will make a difference. Sadly I just don't see the British public being ready for being able to look after themselves so they will still mainly vote for the three same nanny state parties and therefore it will be a while before our society will change.

In the meantime we should buy shares in metal detector and CCTV manufacturers and installers. Looks like those and private security are going to be the only things making money in this mickey mouse country.


At 3:02 am, Blogger UBERMOUTH said...

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At 3:10 pm, Blogger James Higham said...

There was something once about it taking 50 years between Britons perceiving the need for change and change.

At 3:48 pm, Blogger UBERMOUTH said...

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At 9:00 pm, Blogger Bag said...

Mmmm. It must be 50 years since labour first started screwing up the country. Maybe it is time after all.


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