Friday, January 06, 2006

This should make an interesting agenda item.

Seems a member of the Green party has said the world population size is a 'Green priority'. Read more here. What sort of policy is that? How can you do anything that will change the way we are going?

Well, good luck with that policy guys. It'll be unlikely you will ever impact on British Politics if you run with policies like this which are meaningless. Even the backlash against NuLabour (Tories in disguise) and the NuConservatives (NuLabour in disguise) will bring you few votes. The BNP are more likely to be the winners of the disenchanted. At least this has more chance of making changes, even if they are the wrong ones.

In the meantime we can imagine that you have taken the helm of the UK with this policy. What will the priorities be?

Bearing in mind the UK population is increasing through immigration and not through organic growth anyway. So stopping immigration would cause a -ve growth in the UK. Interestingly we may need to leave the EU for this. Or do we think we would be able to influence the EU from within? Decisions, decisions.

Anyway, policies; Reverse population growth. Reduce use of resources. Discourage travel. Move towards a more natural lifestyle. By the way. this has to be worldwide.

- Stop immigration.
- Compulsory abortions? Hopefully, happily married couples will be allowed to have kids. But, wait a minute. Are not most Greens Anti, well everything, but in particular abortion? OK, we will scrap that one. Let's just leave as it is.
- Free Contraceptives to everyone, including the under 16s. Sounds OK. I can't think that will make a big difference while we still house teenagers who have kids as a priority but it's a start.
- Stop providing aid, medicines etc. to other countries that do not have a -ve population growth. Let them die through starvation and disease.
- Manufacture weapons. Sell them at cost to anyone foreign that wants to buy them. The more punch the better.
- Introduce restrictions on development and expansion. No more building houses, roads, anything at all. They use up valuable resources.
- Put traffic lights on every corner. Set to long Reds. All speed limits set to 20mph. All roads restricted to single lanes, including motorways.
- Close all the hospitals. Issue everyone with a book on how to make your own cures and the spells necessary to cure those not available via natural cures.
- Bring back the Death Penalty for murder, child rape. Remove manslaughter from the books. Any death caused by a third party is murder, even in a car accident. Corporate manslaughter as well. Hell, forget that. Any criminal offence at all rates the death penalty.
- Make dissent to Government policy a criminal offence. That should help push the abortion one through as well. (I think this is one of NuLabour's aims)
- Make it compulsory for everyone to live within five miles of their working place.
- Close all airports except Aberdeen.
- Make suicide legal with a tax rebate to the families for all those that do so.
- Supply everyone with a gun at cost. Make 9mm a standard so ammunition is easily obtained.
This may sound a bit controversial but look at the advantages.
Whoever they kill is helping reduce the population and then they get executed as well. Soon there will be no bad guys at all.

Or let's go the full hog, let's start WWIII. Ensure we sell the Iranians, Syrians, hell everybody some nukes. Then attack them because 'The world is a dangerous place'. That should do it.

I'm bored now.

My point was : What sort of policy is this and what can realistically be done? Who in their right mind it going to stop progress and stagnate as a species? Do we really see us moving back to rural communities and all having a couple of chickens and a horse and goat each. Life expectancy back at 30 and our Green friends being squires of us all. Not me, that is for sure. If working with computers was not an option I'm so useless I would have to be a male prostitute. How could I live on £10 a month? Oops. Prostitution is illegal. I'm dead.


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