Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Leo Blair kidnap plot.

Father 4 Justice members talking about how they can get our useless Government to fix the inequality in our divorce policy. Listened into by our, cough, protectors.

Guy 1 : 'Perhaps we can kidnap Leo and show that useless b4$^4&d what it is like to lose contact with his kids.'
Guy 2 : 'That's a stupid idea.'
Guy 1 : 'Yeah, you are right.'

MI5 operative 1 : 'Oh, a kidnap plot that justifies our intrusion into everybody in the UK's lives. let's leak it to the papers as a plot that was stopped by our policies.'
MI5 Operative 2 : 'Won't they wonder why no one was prosecuted, or even arrested?'
MI5 operative 1 : 'Nope. They are too stupid. But if they do we tell them that it would jeopardize our on going surveillance.'

Read the BBC story here and the papers comments here.


At 5:42 pm, Blogger Mark said...

Latest news is that the leak did have the desired effect. Fathers 4 Justice has now disbanded!

I wonder whether they will catch and prosecute the criminal(s) who leaked such sensitive information?


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