Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Democracy in action. The ID debacle.

The public don't want it. The spineless MPs who voted for it are now rethinking it. The Lords are unhappy with it and yet the Government carries on oblivious.

Just like the Titanic. One can only hope there is no Carpathia nearby this time when the good ship hits it's iceberg.


At 6:51 pm, Blogger Mark said...

A thought occurs to me. If we don't get an ID card, - how will they know? And if they've got enough information to know I haven't got an ID card, then they don't need an ID card.

As far as I can see, it is one expensive white elephant, which we will have to pay for.

At 10:24 pm, Blogger Bag said...

I suppose if you are off the radar and stayed in all day you could get by without one but you would quickly become unstuck if you needed medical attention or got pulled in one of the 'Show me your papers' stop checks while in the shops one day stocking up on booze.

I can't see this getting off the ground now. Blair can't push it through without the support that appers to be slowly dripping away. Maybe if he didn't have his education reforms. He is more likely to push ID in through the backdoor by updating the KGB style driving license.

I hope he loses on his educational reforms. The two failures could be enough to trigger a vote of no confidence. Fingers crossed.


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