Monday, January 16, 2006

How to win on crime the NuLabour way.

First of all you turn it into a business.

Seems that there is a proposal that certain crimes such as shoplifting, theft and criminal damage, for example no longer need to be tried in court. Only crimes that could lead to a jail sentence need be tried in courts. The other crimes will result in fines to be decided by prosecutors and the police. Read more here.

So this means that you pay your whack to the Government via your fines and you can go about your business. Pretty much the same as what we do with our taxes.

Taxes via legitimate business to Government.
Insurance, also taxed, paid by us to Government.
Taxes, via PAYE, paid by us to Government.
Taxes (In name only), via fines, paid by criminals to Government.

Result for Government.
Crime down. No point in counting pseudo legal crime.
Police time saved. Shoplifters will just be kicked out of shops instead of arrested.
Court time saved. For real crimes like wearing Anti Blair T-Shirts.
Revenue up. From the new income source.
Revenue up. From increased insurance taxes as insurance premiums go up to cover cost.
Revenue up. From increased Insurance company turnover.

Surely drugs must be next. Think of the income from drugs alone without the cost of jailing them. The Government must be salivating at the thought.


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