Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I wonder where this is going.

It seems the Tories have filed a FOI request about the cost of translation serviced used by police forces in the UK. It seems that the cost is £24.1M which is £2.7K per hour. Read here. OK. It is a lot for you and I. Hell, it's nearly as much as our politicians fiddle in expenses every year. But, is it actually an issue in itself. It is a side effect of the policies of our lords and masters in both the UK and the EU.

So the question that I want answered is what is the point of it? We can hardly let our police ask questions which the suspects don't fully understand or the police don't understand the answers. So the costs are there and will be for a very long time. Therefore the only point is to make political capital of it. Of course as the Tories are pro EU as well then they can hardly use it against EU policy. It will just be used against the government just to make some minor points.

Personally, I would rather they actually came out with some real policies of their own but clearly they have none. All politics seems to have come down to is poking one another in the chest and saying 'You did this' and 'No I didn't'. Soon it will be 'My dad is bigger than yours'. This can't be good for the country.


At 7:41 am, Blogger James Higham said...

All politics seems to have come down to is poking one another in the chest and saying 'You did this' and 'No I didn't'. Soon it will be 'My dad is bigger than yours'. This can't be good for the country.

I'm quoting this now over at my place.

At 8:17 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps they think it will be cheaper to provide the police with foreign language courses, or indeed if we are short of policemen and women, start a recruitment drive across the EU for Polish/Romanian/Bulgarian/Albanian speakers.

At 10:14 am, Blogger Bag said...

Then they will need translation services when plod is interrogating English people. jeez,even I can barely understand some dialects from around the UK.

At 7:15 pm, Blogger UBERMOUTH said...

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