Monday, July 17, 2006

What a farce. More on the knife amnesty.

Here is some more on the knife amnesty previously mentioned here.

It seems that it was not sufficient to just take the knifes down for recycling they had to shut the yard, so no one could walk in off the street, and police officers attended the actual mutilation process.

Then the massive task commenced and "All the knives took about five minutes to mutilate," says George Bond, director of recycling company.

Read more here.

No wonder we can't get anyone to come when we have a burglary.


At 5:33 pm, Blogger The Antagonist said...

Little Johnny Public and their terribly dangerous knives. Tut tut. Hand them over you filthy rapscallions!

Anyone sometimes think we're all being fed a rather large crock of effluent?

Today, it became official that The State can execute innocent, unarmed citizens and get away with it, barring a fine of indefinite proportion, for which the taxpayers, having already paid for the executioners, picks up the bill. Ain't democracy super?

While lots of people accept it's OK to pay taxes to kill brown people in the Middle East, and any other Johnny Foreigner that takes The State's fancy, killing Johnny Londoner and raiding and shooting Johnny Muslim in Forst Gate based on intelligence provided by a retard - information even the inheritors of Nazi science would have dismissed as useless - never used to be quite as OK.

Of course, we all knew The State Vs The State wasn't going to find The State guilty in any context, but, as with J7, it's taken a year for the obvious to be stated to the British public, most of whom are still sitting around waiting for someone else to sort it all out.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, The State which came about - thanks, in no small part, to a pact with the Nazis - is intent on bringing Armageddon to the promised lands.


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