Saturday, June 17, 2006

I love this flexible word.

Whenever you hear the word flexible spoken by anyone they usually mean 'You need to be more flexible and give me what I want'

That seems to be the theme going through this latest statement on the pensions front. It seems that despite all the promises decades ago saving for your future does not seem like a good idea. You put money in to a pension fund and our greedy government takes it out and you are powerless to do anything about it. If you are near retirement then hopefully it won't make that much difference if not then a serious look at your retirement options is called for. If you are just starting in employment or setting up a pension scheme then you need to think very carefully. I'm in the middle of mine so I'm a bit tied. I can't see enough flexibility to do all that much. Plus there is always the fear of further legislation and fund grabbing further down the line especially if enough people do something radical.

Notice how everything like this seems to be coming to a head now. If I was a politician I would not want to win the next election. How can the total screw up that is the UK be fixed in a mere four years. Whoever wins will have to fix all the screw ups our current masters have put in place plus try and introduce some real change, if it isn't Labour of course. With them I dread to think. Surely even they know their current policies are unsustainable.

The whole lot is a bit like the Glaciers. Nothing much for a long time. Minor thaws an odd breakaway then all of a sudden a big meltdown and everything just collapses and is gone. I'm not looking forward to it.


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