Sunday, March 26, 2006

There has been rumblings but looks like Blair will be getting divorced.

At least from his disastrous relationship with Bush.

There have been several signs the relationship is in trouble. Blair has not been out for walkies for a while. They are both in trouble over Iraq. There has been several issues with terrorist suspects and finally the issues with the UK brokering defence agreements with Europe. Which makes the US nervous. In addition this one way extradition and the potential for moving on Iran. Does this mean that part of the reason Blair gave the EU a chunk of our rebate was a sacrifice to try and make it up to our old muckers? Even the US have noticed things are not as they used to be and Blair is still being screwed by Bush but now with no kissing. Tantamount to abuse at the end of a relationship really. Blair has finally realised that his love is now one sided and Bush is only after what he could get.

All in all it's a good thing. The sooner these pair are isolated and can be harried into oblivion the better.


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