Saturday, March 25, 2006

What a load of fuss over one man.

I've been following the case in Afghanistan where a man has been sentenced to death for converting from Islam to Christianity. Read more here.

Now it is quite right that this case shows Islam for what it really is. It also shows what the Afghans have done with democracy and freedom. In addition, it shows an interesting view on us in the West.

Islam clearly is intolerant of anything else on this planet that does not fit in their mindset and they will not rest until everyone is converted and the whole world is Islamic. In our efforts to show we are not racist in our usual PC way we are merely allowing them to gain minor footholds which they will use to lever more and more until it all blows up. Usually with them doing the blowing up and us being blown up.

The fact we had invaded and removed their bad government and left it with one of our liking doesn't seem to have changed the mindset of the leaders never mind the general population. Therefore, while we make laws where you can be shot whilst wearing a backpack. They make laws that say you can't convert from Islam. In a true democracy it would be up to them. This probably would get their votes anyway. They probably don't really have a democracy but in reality neither have we.

Finally, our outrage on this seems skewed somehow. OK, the guy doesn't deserve a death sentence in my opinion. I agree with you all. But at the same time he could just say he converted and get away out of the country. He doesn't because he believes so strongly. In his religion there is life after death. So in his view he is not risking anything. He would be happy to die for his religion. Probably get brownies points but not any virgins though. So for this guy we make a big fuss and diplomatic statements and presentations. Meanwhile, women are still persecuted and killed daily for being women, people are getting bits removed, tortured and killed because of the way they are, dress or behave and we do nothing. Clearly this then is acceptable but to kill a Christian is not.

Seems strange to me how certain things just get blown out of all proportion and other things are just background noise and 'Well, what can you do?'. It at least shows where our priorities lie.


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