Monday, March 20, 2006

Blight of knives. Knives are so bad.

Now there is a leading statement. Some 18 year old girl nutter, surprisingly one of the ethnic minorities, has stabbed a 15 year old girl to death. Read more here.

This case apparently highlights the danger of knife crime. Of course, until this case none of us knew anything about knives being dangerous. After all, nobody has ever died from being stabbed before. Nobody has accidentally stabbed themselves while being stupid working on something. So we all think knives are similar to spoons in lethality.

The article talked about knives being used as a fashion accessory in the UK. I seem to remember when, with older nutters, it was guns. Of course we are having a knife amnesty. That should fix it. That coupled with the well thought out name, but poorly though our campaign, called Operation Blunt will fix everything.

A police spokesman said 'If you carry a knife you are more likely to become a victim of crime and more likely to get a criminal record'. Now I can understand the criminal record but a victim of crime. How does that work then? I would have though people would avoid these nutters. They are more likely to trigger crime than be victims.

I've carried a knife for over twenty years. Nobody has got stabbed or killed. I've used it frequently and the only person who has got hurt in any way is myself when I've been stupid.

Another instance of blame the tool and not the person. At least this one got 14 years. It's not perfect. She will still get out but it's a start.


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