Sunday, March 19, 2006

A new way of thinking is required for the threats we are facing.

It seems that Iraq is a lost cause. The former PM has said it is in civil war. Read More here. The US and UK troops are not welcome any more. Between conflicts with the Iraqi police and the feelings of the Iraqi people the statement to leave is getting louder. Of course, having destroyed the security infrastructure , emasculated the army and police and left nothing in it's place the people are fearful about where it will go when we leave. Read more here.

Of course our beloved PM is still saying everything is going smoothly and it is our media that is making people at home think the war is going badly. Reports from our troops are still saying everything is going OK. So it must be. How can anyone believe these reports when it is known we write fake news articles abroad and suppress news here?

We have shown ourselves to be aggressors and that, as we see nothing wrong in what we have done, we are willing to do the same again. Having said that God was involved in the decision to go to war with Iraq we are effectively saying that it is a religious war and Muslims worldwide feel they are next. Who can blame them?

In addition we have shown the world how to fight us. Big armies, like Saddam's Iraqi army, are not able to make even a small dent in the West's well equipped and trained armies. However guerilla warfare works brilliantly, worked in Vietnam, works in Iraq and Afghanistan and is the way to go. People willing to die against people who don't want to. Since some nameless leaders hundreds of years ago decided that 'a civilised war' would have two armies, made up of cannon fodder in uniforms, using defined weapons and following rules we have built our offence and defence around that principle. The world has changed and we are now fighting people who will not follow these rules. North Korea is probably the only one of the old style armies left but they have nukes and are nutty enough to use them. Who is the bigger threat to us. Iran who could create nukes and would use them or North Korea who have nukes and would use them. Who is it being threatened now by our leaders? We are already lining up support for our next invasion.

Anyway, Iraq, now we have completed our objectives which were to punish Iraq for 911 Remove WMD Remove Saddam the tyrant and introduce democracy to the Middle East we should now leave. A phased withdrawal over a month or two to allow the Iraqi security services to take over each area while we can provide backup. Then just walk away and let them run their own country.

Of course our control would disappear and they still won't like us and it will make Iran much more difficult to deal with. After all in reality Iran's influence would then include Iraq. We are likely to lose out on Democracy but we gave it a go. The middle east is decades away from democracy. At least we got rid of Saddam it was worth the 100,000+ lives and the $850B+. Wait a minute could we not just have shot the guy? Oh! Sorry, the WMD. I forgot.

Let us bring an end to this dark part in our history and retire back to our bases and get the planners looking at our defence, after all our Army is in the Ministry of Defence, not Offence. Let's admit, even if it is internally, that we made a mistake and not plan for any 1st strikes again. Let's limit our planning to retaliation and peacekeeping. Let's build up our defensive capability for this new threat without impinging on our freedoms.

We have put ourselves in the line of fire for a global threat that we are not in a position to handle. We need to fix that as a matter of priority. Revamp the MoD for the new threat. These people don't forget and so we need to make sure we can handle anything they throw at us, now or in a decade. Hearts and minds for the new threat. Every bullet has a part of a pig in it, all explosives have pigs blood as an ingredient. Let's think outside the box.


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