Sunday, March 12, 2006

Tom Fox's flawed theory.

I've always found it funny when guys like Tom Fox get wasted. Not because I think he deserves to die because he clearly cared about people and nobody really deserves to die in such a way. But, because there is something ironic about a person who is so blinded by his own belief that he ignores facts because he knows better. In this case a fatal mistake. Even after he watched others with his mindset being kidnapped and executed he stayed in danger, comfortable in his blinkered beliefs that because he was helping them they would leave him alone.

Now this sort of thinking is all well and good. But, only if you are willing to commit yourself to this way of thinking. You make a decision, state it and them implement it yourself.

Now, and this is the real point in my article, I'm getting really fed up of people who have beliefs that they enforce on the general public but they don't do it themselves by circumventing or even breaking the law. They ban guns but politicians and senior business people are protected by the SAS and trained *cough* police. They force us to wait in queues for NHS heart checkups but they have their NHS checks done within days, they tax us to death but they ignore the same tax laws, they send soldiers out to die because they think it is the right thing to do but keep their own safe. They ban prostitution but are continually being tied up by rent boys. The list goes on.

When will we see the same sort of commitment as Tom Fox made from these people that want to interfere in everything we do? Let's see judges letting criminals out have them living near to them as they are so safe. Let the politicians who think a smart card will protect us from terrorists all sign up and let the SAS go back to Hereford. I could go on, some say I do already, but it does make me annoyed.

Screw all these do gooders.


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