Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Update on the Menezes Execution.

It will be interesting how this one works out. We have the murdered mans parents asking for justice. We have the police lying about the case and feeding us false information. We did have someone one the inside who thought there was going to be a cover up. It will be interesting to see what happens with all of these things. My thoughts are that there will be a case but it will be closed with the police censured over the killings. A couple of demotions but nobody brought to justice. The insider will lose their job. But, Hey!, it's not all bad news. There will be a review of procedures to ensure this sort of thing never happens again. Well, never, in the concept of it being an accident. It will happen again but next time it will be because that will be part of the new police forces 'Judge Dredd' type instant 'justice' so it won't need to be investigated.

The bad news is none of our law abiding citizens are armed so we can't do anything about this takeover by a Nazi style Government. Unfortunately, if you are not a terrorist, then being a bad guy is working OK so they won't do anything either and they have the guns. When are we going to be invaded to put a decent Government in?


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