Saturday, August 11, 2007

Perhaps they should do their own bit first.

I was reading this article where it says that the police are teaming up with designers with a few to reduce crime. Read here. I must confess it worried me.

This is all well and good but doesn't it kind of defeat the point of the police. You see I see the police as being there to catch the transgressors. Feeding them, hopefully, into the maw of the justice system so they can be punished. OK, stop laughing we all know it is not happening like that. So it seems that instead of fixing their broken system they are approaching it a different way in an effort to improve their statistics.

For some reason for the first time they are now going to follow a process that has worked before. You see it is recognised that car crime has been dropping and the credit apparently goes to the manufacturers who have added better security systems to their cars. So I think that the police recognising that they are not doing so well have come up with this new ploy. Make the manufacturers change their goods to make them less stealable. After all it's only the things that can be stolen that are stolen.

They have to enter a partnership though. Wonder why? After all they are already there for advice but it doesn't have any leverage. How long before good have to have a police kite mark before they can be sold and that will lead to mobile phones the size of laptops and weighing 25lbs. Ooops, I'm going to be arrested for not using Kg or Kt or something.

The police are on a winner here. Without actually doing what they are supposed to do their stats will improve and they can shout about how well they are doing. The government can go on about how well their policies are doing and the losers will be the public again. Manufacturers will have extra costs which will be passed on to us, we will be carrying around things we can't use because they will be too cumbersome and require a retina scan every three minutes to use. Jeez, could they make it so it needs a swiped ID card to activate your Walkman? Wouldn't surprise me.

Maybe I'm just overreacting but every time I see the government coming up with another idea I just think how will they cock this one up and how long before voluntary changes to compulsory. After all there usually start with the statement that it will be voluntary as long as people do it. Tossers ruin everything.


At 7:45 am, Blogger James Higham said...

...Maybe I'm just overreacting but every time I see the government coming up with another idea I just think how will they cock this one up and how long before voluntary changes to compulsory...

Always follow the golden rule:

Whatever the government touches, thinks or imposes will sooner or later turn to ashes, fly down your throat and choke you to death.

At 10:59 am, Blogger Malthebof said...

The police have become the political arm of the government. They have long since given up pursuing criminals. This is not criticism of the police as such. The police service has to be abolished, and reformed as the Police Force accountable to the people they serve via a locally elected Sheriff/Chief Connstable, and not Whitehall


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