Sunday, July 01, 2007

Interesting Day today.

Basically been catching up with the chores I should have been doing for the last few weeks. I would like to say all done but sadly have managed to start them all without finishing one. Ah well, there is always tomorrow.

Went into Second Life for the BlogPower awards just after mid day. I like to get places early. I can usually pick the best seats near the back so I can heckle in peace. It's like being back in school. Although I was under strict instructions to behave.

Well there are many reports out there with pictures and possible a video so I won't go into too many details but suffice to say the awards occurred with very little issue and considering it was the first time it was very impressive. We can thank Tom Paine for hosting the event and James Higham as compere for making it such a slick event.

Anyway once the boring speeches were overawards were presented we retired to Tom's airship to relax and party. Boy, could we dance. I didn't realise I could do so well.

By the time we had finished dancing and our little political discussions it was quite late in the day and too late for me to continue the work I was raring to do. Sad that.

All in all a very interesting day and to be honest I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would. It made a nice change and as a way of getting to know other bloggers it was easy and painless. Only thing is you still don't know what they look like. Except Jocko who clearly looks the same in RL as SL and DK who we have all seen on crimewatch18DS.


At 7:56 am, Blogger James Higham said...

The heartiest of thanks to you from Blogpower and myself for all the spadework you did in there [you misrepresent your contribution here] and for all the substances you laid on people as they arrived :)

We're scratching our thumping heads just now how to formally thank you.

At 4:45 pm, Blogger Colin Campbell said...

Yes Heart and Soul of the Party. Very nice to have met you and your sense of humour. By the way, I am much more handsome in real life.

At 8:48 pm, Blogger Shades said...

Yes, you seemed to be there every time I turned up and certainly contributed in your own "special" way.

By the way, CC is lying...

At 9:26 pm, Blogger Bag said...

I was just there to have fun and have fun whas what I did. It was great talking to everyone and getting some feedback from them directly which you can't get on a blog.

I'd heard that CC's SL character was created from a digitised image of his real body. Just a rumour mind.


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