Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Democracy takes a back seat.

When the government needs more money to keep it's bloated mass afloat it doesn't matter what we want.

Read here about how road charging has moved to the next stage.

It must be time for a revolution.


At 10:41 am, Blogger Unknown said...

Not at all worried by this at all. It will require a huuuuuuge IT system to run it as well as dependency on satellite tracking systems. The current sat-nav systems are provided foc to sat-nav providers by the US military - probably in exchange for overflying rights. The EU is currently trying to get it's own fleet of commercial satellites in orbit for sat-nav but the providers won't play ball because they will have to pay to use the service.

Add to that our own governments propensity for making a complete balls up of any IT implementation it embarks upon, there's no way this will can work effectively. Just imagine the billing enquiries - you think British Gas are hopeless. Just wait for this road pricing thing.

At 3:45 pm, Blogger Bag said...

I agree with the assesment but even a bastardized implementation will create all the things that make this a bad idea.

Plus, when you get your bill. Pay in X days or go to jail. There will be no real appeal or way to prove otherwise. All goverment services are pay or go to jail.


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