Saturday, April 21, 2007

Where is our line in the sand?

Over the last few months there have been various sign ups with the statement of 'I pledge I will break the law and do this if ten other people sign up to pledge to do the same'. I like reading the numbers that sign up to these as I wonder how many of them will actually do it.

You see the problem is they won't get ten thousand of us in a room. They will just call one of us to court and make an example of them. Most of us have families, homes and careers to lose. We won't do it as history shows that the initial sacrifices remain dead even when the war is won. The people with nothing to lose don't really care about the things that we see as an issue at the moment. So I would guess that most of those that sign up would back down fairly rapidly when push comes to shove and they get a court summons or a visit from the local plod in combat gear. Especially when it works out it's done region by region or by requirements. You want your dole get a ID card. You want to drive on motorways get a tracker fitted. Until it is all done. It's one of the few areas where we won't have a big bang. A few diehards in the nick and the rest subjugated except for the real criminals who won't do anything they can get away with. Us, the amateur criminals, will be the ones that end up in court.

It is interesting how so many people have signed up with the intention to become a criminal with all that entails. Now my question is that if we are prepared to commit to this, why not a step further? Why not pledge 'I pledge I will kick the crap out of anyone who prosecutes anyone who breaks the law if ten other people sign up to pledge to do the same'. OK with that? How about the next step? 'I pledge I will pay £50 to a legal fund and/or the estate for whoever tops Tony Blair if ten other people sign up to pledge to do the same'. I bet not many who signed up before will sign up. Why not? Because it's illegal? immoral? You have already decided you will be a criminal it's just crossing another line.

And while we are not prepared to do anything really illegal our government illegally interns people, breaks into homes at 6:00 in the morning to arrest people. Kills people by ruining our health service and destroying lives by screwing up our Justice system. While they remove Rights fought and paid for with blood decades or centuries ago.

The Poll Tax protesters won by showing force. The US gained Independence by showing they were not putting up with more and showing force. We whine a lot and wonder why it doesn't work too well.

In the older days when men were men, women were women and little..... sorry, when us Brit's drew a line in the sand it was crossed at great peril. Now those hero's are emasculated or replaced by people who get a bit frightened when mummy is not about. We draw lines in the sand all the time and when they are crossed we talk about it a bit and then draw another one because that one wasn't clear enough or it didn't allow for cultural sensitivities or it was unfair or we are frightened of being told off by the EU or UN. There is always some excuse. No one has any balls any more.

The balance of power has clearly moved from the strong to the weak. The weak rely on the strong being moral and following the rules they have set down as law. They then define laws that allow them to do what they want freely with no repercussions. Every reasonable little excuse has been used to clamp down on us. Thus almost everything is now balanced against the very people that made this world what it is. The human race was striving forwards, developing new technology and exploring and experimenting. Now it's getting to the point where breathing will require a license and only companies are allowed to tinker and play with things. What chance our future inventors, scientists and explorers? There are still real Hero's in the UK. We read about them all the time but their sacrifice is lost amid the last row in Big Brother or what is going on with the cricket. The strong are all criminals because that's the only place for them now.

All is not lost. It seems there are a few countries on this planet that are led by real decision makers. People that make a decision and go for it. One is the US, however that could soon change. They are not too different from us and someone else may end up taking it down the same path as the rest of the West and lose all the credibility built up over the last few years. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like Bush, but at least he has the balls necessary to draw lines in the sand and be believed. It's getting diluted now after the last elections but he pulled many weaker leaders into his schemes and used them. He uses the might of the US to keep the US in it's place on the world's stage. Can we say the same with a straight face?

So, what is it going to take to turn our country round? Certainly not the current or even future, foreseeable anyway, politicians. We need a leader. Someone who is willing to take a stand and do something. It looks like the last one we had with balls was Maggie. She succumbed, like Caesar, to foul play. Our politicians don't even have the balls to do that nowadays.

Where exactly is the line in the sand that will cause us all to rise up and rebel? We are disarmed, scared to take any risks and looking to hold everyone else's hand. I don't know when it will be only thing I do know is when it comes there will be bloodshed. There has to be.

One thing is certain. I won't be starting anything, I'm just a wimp with too much to lose.


At 8:10 pm, Blogger James Higham said...

The battle lines are clearly drawn between the people and the illumined elite who ostensibly are our servants but see themselves as our masters.

'I pledge I will kick the crap out of anyone who prosecutes anyone who breaks the law if ten other people sign up to pledge to do the same'.

We don't need to sign up - we've already been turned into criminals without our knowing it.

At 10:55 pm, Blogger Bag said...

The is a massive difference between a change in the law that makes you a criminal, maybe even without your knowledge, and a conscious decision to become a criminal.

That difference is what is missing from the general public now. The people willing to take actions and fight for what they want are few and far between. Sadly attributes now so alien to us that only those outside the law seem to have them.


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