Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Budget 2007 Leaflet.

Just got a nicely printed leaflet through the door from HM Treasury regarding budget 2007.

Read all the usually babble about costs and future plans etc. Costs which have been extrapolated to 2011 and show a 15% increase on overall expenditure then. It's only 4 years and I don't see our salaries going up anywhere near that much.

The interesting bit was on the back page. Income from Taxes, etc. £553B. Total expenditure £587B. Oops £34B adrift. I remember the old adage In greater than Out happiness, In less than Out sadness. Now most people fail to balance the books because something changes and their income or expenditure changes and causes a problem. Usually when it works out it doesn't balance at the start of the cycle you look at making it so. Not our lot.

The best bit was the title of the leaflet 'Building Britain's long-term future'



At 6:17 pm, Blogger James Higham said...

You mean they sent a leaflet, a glossy brochure, through the mail? And everyone got one? Like millions of people? And what was the cost of that?

At 6:35 pm, Blogger Bag said...

It just popped through the door. I would assume that it was set out by RM or something. It could have been a party political leaflet but it did not have anything else with it.

It's part of the reason we have a 34B difference between in and out.


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