Sunday, April 15, 2007

My bit towards saving the world.

Been busy the last few weeks with work and watching the entire 8 series of Charmed on DVD. Finished them last night, or early this morning to be more exact.

So today been out in the garden starting my yearly scourging where I *cough* invest hundreds of hours to get enough fruit that I could buy with one hours worth of real work. It must be a spiritual thing.

Well, anyway I was blowing up my granddaughters paddling pool. After exhaling for the millionth time it suddenly hit me. I was removing all this CO2 from the atmosphere and capturing it in a container. OK the container was not really intended for that purpose but that was one of the beautys of the plan. An added bonus using existing equipment.

OK. it doesn't store all that much but if we all work together and use the existing padding pools we have to store carbon in this way it will come to millions of cubic feet. Remember, every bit counts and we should be able to claim this on our carbon credits. All together we could make a difference.

However, we will need to set up a taskforce to train people. Remember you can't just take a breath and then blow you need to ensure that it is part of the exhalation process so the maximum CO2 gets stored. So it's not as easy as you would think.

Am I a genius or what? An entire industry could be set up to train, monitor and verify CO2 contents. Maybe some sort or reward would be in order. A knighthood perhaps. An MBE Member of British Environmentalists or if it went worldwide some sort of UN order or something, what do they have?


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