Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another MS product that is really annoying.

Been spending all morning tidying up some MS Word documents.

These are legal documents that we have been working on for weeks over SLAs. We have just agreed them and they are ready for publication. On my system they show as Final documents but on one of the clients they still show the edits. Even worse the creators have cut and pasted from the contracts, which use different fonts and formatting so when you start trying to just change to fonts on some of them it screws up the whole document.

So I have to edit each one. Even if it looks OK I have to accept all the changes and then change it to final. This is what happens when you have to justify upgrades when the basic V1 version did everything you wanted but they still need to sell more to keep the money coming in. The more complicated they make it the easier it is to screw up.

I wish that billionaire who was involved in Word suddenly discovered he couldn't get down from the ISS until he has edited the entire landing instructions using a line editor. That would teach him.


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