Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How much longer can we ignore this?

After the Pope gave his speech about the muslims there was a little bit of a kerfuffle. Muslims complained that theirs was a religion of peace and should not be slighted. Or else. Made sense to me.

So anyway I was reading this article where it only once mentions beheadings. Clearly moderates were involved in writing this. Just the odd billion hot heads letting off a little steam and trying to convert us peacefully. Nothing to worry about at all and let's not be predudiced.

As our US chums keep on saying 'Wake up and smell the coffee'. These guys are not peaceful nor do they fit into our way of life at all. They have made their aims clear and our politicians just ignore it.

As for the exact process that they will use to subdue us. Read this article by a former Governor of Colorado. In case you are wondering we are well down this path in the UK and the US. Although having been disarmed we in the UK are obviously in a much weaker situation and will be subdued a hell of a lot quicker once it turns violent. Which is clearly a better choice in the EU countries than gradual conversion. The tipping point is much earlier with an unarmed populace.

Never mind global warming, our dependence on oil, low growth, high taxes and our corrupt politicians. Our priorities will change rather rapidly once we are under the shroud of a Caliphate.

How long can we go on ignoring this threat? It really would be the end of civilisation as we know it.


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