Monday, February 06, 2006

This can't be legal. Oops. Forgot I was in the UK.

Reading this article about the KGB police bugging a confidential solicitors meeting with his client.

I wonder how many of these sessions were bugged so they could get the one where they can say 'See, we caught this guy so we need to do this to stop the terrorists.'. I love it when a copper is killed then anything that is done is 'due to the seriousness of the offence'. What a crock.

I've no doubt that solicitors get involved in their clients mucky dealings but the sensible ones will talk in code. I bet they got a lot of information about some of the other poor saps in there. Wonder how long it will be before we discover this has been going on for a while now. OKed by someone in Whitehall. It is for Terrorism you know. You can't argue with that.

No longer can you expect anything you say to be confidential. It's even a legal requirement that the solicitor passes information on to the Police now.


At 7:37 pm, Blogger Mark said...

Don't the powers that be realise that everytime they cross the line, the terrorist has won. One of the objectives for the terrorist is to force us to react in a draconian on our own populations. For some, this is the opportunity they have been waiting for.


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