Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It beggars belief. They would rather starve.

I was reading this article about a dog food manufacturer offering aid to Kenya which has been hit by a drought. Causing, no surprise there, a food shortage. Doesn't everything on that continent.

Anyway instead of a bit of gratitude for the offer of 42 tons of food. It appears they are now being criticised for the offer by the Kenyan Government. Read more here.

Now, in a way, I can understand their concern, Food from a dog food manufacturer, well you make certain assumptions. But my understanding is that all dog food meets certain standards for our, oh so pampered, pets and is certainly fit for human consumption.

I think it's time these people need to face up to the situation. They are not owed a living from everyone else, although you would think so, and although we like to help they need to be flexible.

If I was starving I would eat a lot worse than the dog food offered. It seems they would rather let their people starve. I wonder what the people starving, as I'm sure the Government isn't, would say about it.


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