Thursday, February 23, 2006

Religion vs. The State. A change of Balance.

Looks like the Right to Abortion is going to be brought under the spotlight in the US. A state is going to make it illegal for anyone to perform an abortion unless the woman's life is at risk.

Seems that the Anti-Abortionists feel that the balance has tipped with Bush's new appointees to the Supreme Court and that this is an opportunity to change the law. Read more here. Will this mean that this issue will ripple across the country?

Looks like the balance on Religion has tipped as well with the new appointees. What else will they be looking at? The Death Penalty, Guns, the Oath of Allegiance? Should be an interesting time.

Best way to handle it would be for those forced to have the babies to dump them on the State Courts steps and let the state have to live with the consequences of their decisions. Wonder how long it would take for them to reconsider?

Maybe with the falling birth rates the West might be forced to take this step as a way to ensure the Western way is not lost. Maybe the next step after that is to stop the pill and contraception or the world would be filled with 'the wrong people'.

Now stake in the ground. I don't believe in Abortion myself. But, IMO, abortion should be allowed up to 21 weeks or whatever the lowest agreed date is for sentience or pain or whatever. Anyone doing otherwise should be prosecuted. There is plenty of time before that point if you want to take that step and we should ensure that leaving it too late has it's consequences.


At 6:56 pm, Blogger Kirandeep Gill said...

Your arguement is very convincing however how about those women that have been raped and become pregnant as a result of the rape. If they wanted the abortion dont you think that it should be allowed in certain circumstances. I'm not saying abortion is a good thing im strongly opposed with the entire idea. I mean there are millions of women all over the world that wish they could get pregnant but its not possible and then there are women that just kill their unborn child. I really enjoyed reading your post! :)

At 2:47 pm, Blogger Bag said...

Fully accept what you say about rape cases. However, I believe that is covered in my comments. You get raped. You could have the morning after pill or if you do fall pregnant you can have an abortion within the agreed time limit. This is the main travesty in the proposed US rules.

The whole issue is all about drawing lines. At what age, in weeks, of pregnancy is it acceptable? I'm not an expert but I draw the line where sentience is accepted. Some draw the line at 16 years. Your line is in a different place. None are any less valid. The problem is that everyone want's their views to be the one followed and has reasons for that. Basically it's all about forcing your morality on others. What they really need is a neutral central resource to look at this and make a decision and not make everything so personal or religious. Then everyone should buy into this until some new facts are brought out.

It's certainly sad that some people can't have kids but that's life. You shouldn't force people into a decades long commitment if they don't want to. It usually ends in tears and no one wins. Especially if it's the result of a rape. They must be the most difficult to bring up.

There are already news items about another six states to follow if this goes through and then an attempt at the whole US.

Glad you enjoyed the post.


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