Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Is the UK style of Democracy working?

The more I read about things that are going on in our Country the more I am getting fed up and motivated to do something.

Our Government now intrudes on everything we can do and not with a light fingered touch but with the heavy hand of bureaucracy.

They stop us doing things that cause no harm to anyone. If it upsets feelings it is now a jailable offence but to actually break laws the punishment seems to be insignificant.

ID Cards, Torture, human rights abuses our Government is no longer what I would class as a Western style Government. Next we will have to get a camera installed in our heads. If you have nothing to hide what is the problem? (although that might be a good idea for a different reason)

And the final straw. It seems that lying about something does not even have the slightest bit of stigma for our low life politicians. Even knowing something is untrue and even common knowledge does not stop them saying it as fact. What a legacy we are leaving our children.

Plus these seems to be no moral centre anywhere. Everything we do is someone else's fault. Can't get a job. Sue for hurt feelings from those that don't interview you. Put a nail through your own hand sue the nail and hammer manufacturer. Get shot in the head by the only people that are allowed to protect you. You can't do it yourself. It's your fault for wearing the wrong clothes. Where are we going with this? Jeez it's really hard to believe how far we have fallen since our new President took power.

They also don't seem to care as there is nothing that can be done by the general public and the politicians we are able to vote for are either at the same trough or scared to speak out and lose their privileges. Even protests are out now. Or should I say peaceful protests are out. It seems that only non peaceful protests are listened to now. Or let's go the whole hog and say legally there is nothing that can be done. If you can't legally have a non violent protest so why bother having an illegal non violent protest lets just have an illegal violent protest to sort out our issues. Is that what they are trying to encourage?

I'm now convinced that in our Democracy if a tyrant can set up a situation where they can cancel elections, imprison without due process and execute people at their whims then there is something far wrong. That's what we have now. We clearly do not have sufficient checks in place to stop a tyrant taking over. How far we have fallen in ten short years. It should have been impossible but it clearly is not.

I'm waiting patiently for this revolution. Let me know if there is any help I can provide. Legally of course as I don't want to break any laws you see. The Death penalty is on the table.

When it is all over and we are arranging a new style of leadership can we not put in place something where politicians can serve for a maximum of three years, they don't get paid for it in the way they are now, their every action is made public and they can be held accountable for them.


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