Sunday, February 26, 2006

A hint of backbone.

Well what do you know. My local MP is actually standing up and being counted as concerned about the potential for abuse of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill. Read more here. Of course that does not mean he will vote against it. Just that he sees it as a tool that can be abused.

In a way I'm surprised that he has spoken out about it. This must be a hint that all is not well in the party. So far our man has only voted against the Government a handful of times over the last ten years. And never when it is on of our Presidents key areas.

Anyway, perhaps this is a sign of the way things are going. Our man must get some feedback from his lackeys. Could this sudden concern relate to his reelection chances?

Jeez, I hope so. Too little too late I say. Fingers crossed,


At 9:17 am, Blogger Serf said...

How can we encourage him?

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