Thursday, December 01, 2005

Someone with a bit of backbone. Sir, you have my respect.

Whilst browsing the blogs last night I came across some interesting stuff on the anti terror investigation as some call it and the torture scandal, as others call it. As usual there are people polarised at either end of the spectrum on this and being at one end, the anti torture end, I find it unbelievable that the other end is even an option. But such is the free world at this time. We of the 'enlightened world' seem to be sinking further towards evil and leaving morals far behind.

Anyway, I found this article regarding an interview that took place with Donald Rumsfield and Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the JCS. Gen. Pace, in what must be a confrontational and potentially career limiting situation said that 'U.S. troops had an obligation to stop abuse and torture.' Read more here.

Gen. Pace. I salute you and you have my respects. It is people like you that will keep morals in the Western world and keep the terrorists from winning.


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