Monday, December 05, 2005

Or what, Madam Fuhrer?

Looks like the US is unhappy about the reporting and chasing by the EU on the US torture flights as mentioned previously. Condoleezza Rice, the US Secretary of State, is going to tell the EU to back off. Read more here.

Now there are a few interesting questions this raises.

1) How much are we in the UK involved? Are we just dupes like the rest of the staging posts or are we accomplices?
2) Why is the UK quiet on this subject? Jack Straw wrote on behalf of the EU not the UK.
3) Who are we going to side with? Well, not much of an issue for our Government. I'm confident who they will stick with.
4) Can there be anything done about this legally? The US is untouchable but the rest of the EU states are not.
5) Is it going to continue?
6) What can be done about the people in the system? How many have disappeared without trace?
7) What is the US going to do if we pursue these claims?
8) What is the UK's stance on this? Are we going to support the US?


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