Thursday, November 03, 2005

US prisoners in non US jails. What can we do about it?

Read this article about the US holding suspected terrorists on non US soil so they don't have to follow US law on due process.

That could mean they have US or even UK citizens there and nobody really knows. Or cares.

Now I remember reading about this before where the reason they were keeping them abroad is that the foreign country they were in could torture them as the US officially couldn't as it was against US rules. This seems perfectly OK to the US and UK lawmakers. What a bunch of hypocritical b4$^4%&ds.

At he time I thought it would have been raised higher and something done about it but it just died a death and the prisoners still remain in a legal limbo. The true Axis of Evil. The US, UK and Oz are happy for this to happen. And we wonder why everyone hates us.

Now the EU is getting involved but I fail to see what they can do. The only ones they have influence over is the UK, Poland and Romania. We will lie and say we know nothing about it. If they are in any EU country they will get flown out fairly quick if the location is identified. The US clearly couldn't care less.

One good thing could come from it. Those supporting the US could be told to pick a side. The EU or the US. Although it is unlikely. It would be interesting. Hope it happens quick while Bliar is still president of the EU. President Bliar tells Prime Minister Bliar to pick the EU or the US. That would be a conversation from the EU worth watching.

- The only proper purpose of a government is to protect man's rights, which means: to protect him from physical violence. A proper government is only a policeman, acting as an agent of man's self-defense, and, as such, may only resort to force only against those who start the use of force.-- Ayn Rand, "Galt's Speech," Atlas Shrugged


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