Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bliar says give the Police what they want. Judge Dredd your time is now.

This bit from Auntie Bliar actually has a statement which says that 'Police had asked for the powers and should get them'. 'There had to be a "very good reason" for politicians to say "no, we know better than you"'.

Well I don't know what to say. Why do Politicians stick their unwelcome nose into everything else we do? Firemen, Doctors, Judges and even the Police themselves are just a few of the people that have all been overridden in the past by that useless bunch at Whitehall. After all, the Politicians even knew better than the Army and Military Intelligence over Iraq.

Now because it's a keystone to Bliars Nazi agenda the Police now know what is good for the Country. Now if I remember correctly didn't the Met Chief want Judge Dredd type powers. All he has to do is ask. After all. 'There had to be a "very good reason" for politicians to say "no, we know better than you".

I think he has just opened a big can of worms.


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