Monday, October 31, 2005

Inefficient and unaccountable. Business as usual for the Home Office.

I found this on the extradition of a suspect terrorist to be typical of the sort of thing our Government is doing. Read this on our latest cock up in the War against Terrorism.

Seems we have held this guy since May 2002 without charge. Another of the untried held under the Terrorism Act. An extradition for him was raised correctly but we took too long to process it that he has exceeded a three year time limit we put on it.

Ah well, these things happen in a country such as ours. If it had been Syria or Iran there would be an outcry about protecting these people and keeping then from Western justice. Because it's us it counts as a simple cock up.

They are blaming a 1999 law for the delay in processing the extradition. It should have taken 18 months to process but we failed after three years. Seems the law was so poorly thought out that it was repealed in 2003 and replaced with another. Funny how a law can be replaced but still cause so many issues. Seems like the new one wasn't so well thought out either.

So what are we going to do. Hold him under our laws? Our laws say he should be sent back to him home country.

From what I read he is accused of attacks planned against Europe. Can't another country request his extradition? Surely our paperwork would already be set up. It will probably still take six months though. I wonder if the time spent in our jails comes off his eventual sentence?

Assuming he is found guilty of course.


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