Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Public education. Coming along fine.

The Governments plan seems to be coming along fine. Read this. Coupled with deferred success and employer's now treating school qualifications as mere pointers to basic education it will further erode the education system. Good schools will be filled with random applications which will lower the education in every school until they are at the lowest common denominator. Public education will be basic only and even then patchy.

In another ten years the bulk our young employees will be a product of this Governments education reforms. Barely able to read and write in some cases but being able to speak basic German and prepare basic foodstuffs and this makes them fully trained and experienced for a job as a shop assistant or burger flipper. Yippee for our Government working towards it's long term plans.

Soon it will not matter where you go unless you can afford a private school. Strangely enough, where most of our MPs send their kids. Mmmm.


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