Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Making sure the PR is right this time.

So we are now accusing Iran of arming the Iraqis. Read this.

Well a few things spring to mind.

Is this the same intelligence that said Iraq had WMD?

I'm not really surprised. The enemy of my enemy is my friend etc. We are lining up to get sanctions, possibly attack and basically call them liars and their religion is being slandered. Is it such a big surprise if it is true. Did we not supply Saddam while he was fighting a war against them. Why is that OK?

If it is true then we can be sure there will be more where that comes from. From their point of view keeping us and the US busy in Iraq with a easy bit of deniability and no time or inclination to persecute them.

A good plan from their viewpoint. Bad for us of course.


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