Friday, October 07, 2005

At least someone with influence is paying attention.

This is the role of the Lords. To act as a buffer for personal agendas.

The Lords being made up of people with very little to prove. They, generally, look at things from the countries view. Of course, they as everyone else have personal bias, but they don't need to get re-elected nor do they need to stay on the right side of the current Government.

However, this takes time and it's the reason that the Parliament Act was proposed. It was to enable a fast response to threats that needed action prior to the time taken for the process to go through both houses.

It's the Act abused by Bliar to push through something as important as the Fox Hunting Bill to make some political points.

I think Bliar will use the Act to push this one through.

My view is that three things need to happen when a new Government gets in.

1) It reverses every decision made via the Parliament Act and raises a normal bill for each one through the normal route. If it fails that route within six months the law is cancelled. If passed then it continues as per the new bill.
2) We use it to but Bliar on trial over the Iraqi War. Did he know the evidence was false? Did he see this as his chance to get blooded? (Isn't that a Fox Hunting term?) Did he do it to get his name in the history books? If so, he should be prosecuted for treason and murder. Treason because he has put this country at risk. Murder because our guys, guys who put their lives on the line to defend us from invaders, have been killed because of it. Oh, and treason is still a crime with the death penalty. It won't get used because all our Government would be scared it would be used on them as well and we wouldn't want to set a precedent would we.
3) To repeal the Parliament Act itself and create a new act with much shorter process times where both houses agree a bill needs to be processed fast and still allow it to go through both houses. If it is for the benefit of the country then it is unlikely to be held up at either house.

Unfortunately, I don't see 2) happening but we could at least do 1) and 3).


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