Sunday, October 09, 2005

Another thing to feel guilty about.

This makes an interesting read on Child Abuse.

I've been feeling that way for a while now. We are taking the extremes of a few, who should be punished, and covering most parents. You can't take photos of kids having fun. Hell, they are not allowed to have fun because a weirdo may be watching. Good news is that when we have real virtual reality they will all disappear into their houses and you will never see them again. Then they will become couch potatoes. We need to get a grip and stop all this over reaction and encouragement. Punish the few, yes few, who do abuse their kids but leave the rest of us alone.

Seems I am so cynical because I was abused as a child. Seems I was denied what many children were not. I was never beaten up, sexually abused or mistreated in any way. I had a great life as a kid. Not everything I wanted but everything I needed. My parents were not rich in any way but money was prioritised. Home, Food and Clothing. Extras were extras. This seems to put me outside the norm. I can only blame myself for anything I get up to. My parents never prepared me for life with an excuse for my behavior. I have complained to them but they just smile and their eyes turn up in their head.

Only problem is I'm bringing my kids up the same way. I blame it on my upbringing.


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