This is more like it. Violence without us.
Fatah has threatened to kill leaders of political rival Hamas. Read here.Now this is what we should be encouraging. All these groups seem to have the same objectives 'Kill, err, them'. Bit like the Americans but although they just shoot at everything at moves and make mistakes these guys are in a different league by actually not caring at all. We put our troops in the way of these people then they join together and gang up on our troops and we think we can talk reasonably with them. When there is no common enemy they then fight among themselves. I think I see a way forward here.
Simply, let's encourage that. Why don't we act sensibly and aid both sides. We can give information to both via middle men and keep out of their way while they do what comes naturally. This assumes of course that each side has a default enemy of us infidels. No point killing those on our side.
Regardless of what is said these people are a finite resource. Their ammunition, supplies and financing are finite resources. The more they are killing themselves by fighting among themselves the less there will be of any of these things to kill us, the infidels. We can keep Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon busy for decades. It's been going on for a few now without us actively getting involved. The others can send their
We could even help stir things up by encouraging this anywhere else they are getting a bit frisky about us in the future. These guys are on very short fuses. Jeez, when cartoons can get them so riled up that hundreds die I'm sure a few doctored photos or even carefully selected quotes of the other sides leaders could be put to good effect.
In case you are wondering I see a culture war with these people as inevitable. This seems a good opportunity to get started. How can we lose? They use resources, people, weapons, money. If they find out they hate us anyway. Our only concerns really are our own people putting the boot in. We really need to be thinking about a way forward on this front so when an opportunity arises we are not caught flat footed.
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