Thursday, October 12, 2006

Evidence given in secret.

This case must be one of the first few cases where we have to trust that the evidence these guys are giving is right. Mainly because very few people hear it and nobody can really check it. However, it appears that there is contradictory evidence being used in two cases. Read here.

It seems this only came to light because the defence was the same in both cases. What are the chances then that there is evidence being used against others that is wrong or will again in the future? That is the reason we had the right to hear the evidence against us in a court of law and the right to challenge that evidence. With disclosure so the evidence can be checked and validated.

This process can only lead to more injustice. How many people have we wrongly imprisoned based on false evidence and how many are still being held, awaiting a trial on the same type of evidence? Why the hell we allow this is beyond me. It has given people the process to persecute others with no comeback on the age old cry of national security.

Justice in modern Britain. It's a farce getting worse.


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