Saturday, September 23, 2006

A very expensive hotel you can't refuse.

Seems that the police want to charge £200 for a night in the cells. Read more here.

What a brilliant idea. They walk out and find someone breathing in a racist manner. Bang him in the cells for two nights and then when he is convicted on the say so of one person who thought something not only does he get a fine he also gets a hotel bill.

I can see it now. 'Base to all PCs out and about. We still have a couple of spare cells. Let's make sure we don't leave them that way. There must be someone out there smoking or something. '

They would hardly have an incentive to process people quickly. The would be encouraged to delay a little to ensure they spent the maximum time in the cells. Joe the burglar, with no money, will be in and out so quick he wouldn't leave any DNA but Bob the builder, with a nice house and job, will be in for a week for looking at a traffic warden the wrong way.

I would imagine with the current bunch of tossers we have in change even if they are found not guilty they will still have to cough up the £200. After all they partook of the bed and breakfast facilities, were waited on hand and foot and were arrested for something.

What the hell is going on?


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