Thursday, September 07, 2006

Painting more and more into the corner.

Well it seems that Blair has been forced to announce a vague sort of plan to appease his party followers. Which is he will hand over power in May 2007. Read more here.

The only thing with that is that now other questions need to be asked such as; What about policy beyond that who makes the calls? What is the point of someone staying when they are past their sell by date? Outside organisation when they decide to get rid of a CEO either sack them immediately and use the deputy or another successor or they allow them to run the business without any policy or strategy while they recruit an internal or external replacement.

In this case we have a clear view that Blair is screwing up the party, his policies are not working yet they allow him to continue for nine months doing the same thing. I don't think so. He will be painted into a corner and in reality his proposals will take more than just him saying 'We will do this.' to become policy. He will have to give details on his policies because unless they are just for a few months it will be a poisoned chalice for the next PM. The more details he gives the more he is painted into a corner and the output from the government is reduced. Then the next question will be 'Who is your replacement?'. That should be interesting as now that they have some spines some of his followers are even considering themselves for the position. Hopefully he can dig his heels in and last for a while. The less we are governed the better.

Look out for him popping over to the US. He knows when he leaves the knives will be sharpened again and he will ensure that his time here while not PM is minimised. If he is not PM and the Yard calls where will that leave him? Even better once the veil falls from his eyes and he suddenly realises it is all over and he has done nothing but screw our country for ten years will be become suicidal? When his whole belief structure is under attack can his mind hold it together? Could the final straw be an arrest from the Yard? Fingers crossed. The type that believe they are the messiah and speak to God have a tendency to snap.


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