Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blair under pressure. But, nothing he can't ignore.

From leaked memos it appears that even Blairites want him to go and sooner rather than later. Read more here. They are even planning farewell tours. Unbelievable. All nice sweet personal letters to him from his chums. Of course he will just ignore them.

Although I think they are overdoing the praise. If they think complementing him is the way to get rid of him they are really showing that they just don't understand him. I found the vaudeville statement of 'leave them wanting more' to be particularly funny. Unless he is talking about showing his own execution on TV no one is going to want more. In fact the question should be 'More of what?' What has be actually done for us that merits any praise whatsoever?

They clearly want him to go. They are getting concerned now. Their own careers are on the line and it is becoming clear that something needs to be done but Blair is blindly going on as if everyone still loves him. He clearly does not get out much and his papers must be censored as not to upset him.

All these letters are just a waste of time. He isn't going to go easily. He is more likely to fly to the US and announce it over there. Bit like all the other dictators running to hide in the US. Once the dust settles and the truth comes out we will then discover a bit more about this UK/US extradition treaty and how useless it is for us.

I was also thinking that hopefully they stir him up so much he will stay as long as he can, until he leaves Maggies prize is still there and within his grasp, then off to the US, resign and call for a surprise general election. I can see him shouting 'That will teach you you traitorous scum' as he scuttles off for a last chat with Bush and to see what boardroom jobs he has going.


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