Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It's easy to get confused.

The headline is 'Virtually untreatable' TB found. I thought of the trouble the Labour party was having and thought he is not as indestructible as he thinks he is. Then I read the story.

Seems we have a new strain of tuberculosis that is not only resistant to our main anti-TB drugs but also resistant to our secondary drugs as well. Seems the next step in the drug treatment can also kill us so it's not really classed as a cure.

It seems they are putting blame on people not finishing off their drug treatments and allowing a strain to develop an immunity. This claim has been around a while and it looks like this could be one of those that proves the case. Let's hope it doesn't get spread all over the world.

One questions remains though, what can we really do about these people that don't complete their treatment?


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