Friday, September 01, 2006

Our masters look at PBASBOs.

Pre Birth Anti Social Behavior Orders. They are put on the parents before the birth of kids deemed by more of Blair's 'experts' as potential troublemakers. Read more here.

An army of busybodies fiddling with everything in a home. Of course only less risky people will be selected same as now. How can it lose? I can hear the spokesmen now.

1) Child grows up to be a lout. 'Well, you can't win every time. It was pre ordained'.
2) Child grows up to be an angel. 'Well done guys you turned that one around'.

In the meantime other families continue to have angels and louts outside the selected groups. 'Clearly we need to expand our operations after our successes of the last few years' 'Let's take them away from all parents at birth. The state can bring them up much better'

Cue music from Sci-Fi films for the last 20 years. At least now we can see why Blair's first act in government was to disarm all it's citizens, introduce control orders and why his DNA DB is so critical to his plans it is being pushed ahead regardless.


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