Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Win win all round. Is this a first for Government?

It seems that there is some new legislation for people that let houses that starts tomorrow. They have to register and meet certain criteria before they can legally rent their houses. The registration alone could be £1100 and is subject to normal, local government, inflation. Plus the changes to the residence will cost a significant sum. Read more here.

So, what are the benefits? It seems it is win win all around.

The owners win because they can now put up their rent to meet the increased demand because a lot of people will now give this up and leave it to people who want to do it for a living.

The government wins as it gets to set up a new department to run this, they get extortionate fees for checking homes and they get to document lots of new bits of information. Plus look out for a register in the future for all those living in rented accommodation. It will be for the children to help prevent terrorism.

The people that rent houses will win because they get a new illuminated sign above their door in their single room lit 24Hrs a day all for the extra costs they will pay in increased rent.

This will stop the hundreds of deaths we read about every year. I think. Hurrah for the nanny state.


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