Friday, June 02, 2006

World peace in Ten Years.

Well there could be. Although it's unlikely though.

Makes you question what it actually means when people say thinks like this about Irans capabilities. Read more here.

Does it mean that they will have a bomb in ten years regardless of anything we do politically, besides war of course? Does it mean that if we keep them to their agreements on the NPT then it would take significantly longer or would never happen?

Why would they sign up to the NPT if they didn't want to abide by it? It limits certain areas and forces them to meet certain obligations. Obligations it appears that they are already meeting.

Anyway. I hear we are all going to be terrorist free in two generations if we give up all our freedoms. Yay! Amazingly enough from the same people that gave us Iraq and the 45 minute terror alert. I have that warm glow of confidence. Ooops. Wait a minute, I've spilt hot tea on myself.


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