Thursday, May 25, 2006

Is that not the problem?

Tony Blair, who knows all, has stated that the young must research Sex. Read more here.

Maybe it is me but is that not the problem? Too many people on practical and not enough theory. But from what I have read on my travels the issue is the theory is not being taught in school properly and is based on just basic sex with little being taught on contraception and the lovey dovey side of it.

So basically what you are told to do is the real basics and then go and find out more on the Internet. After a quick theory at Chick with Dicks dot com they think screw this lets have a go at what we picked up in class. Come on, what else do they think is going to happen?

After comments like this we will see a surge in schoolgirl pregnancies in nine months especially with a school holiday next week so they have plenty of revision time.


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